Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Nero 2014 Platinum - provides a new do and share with others photos , music and videos. You get a really full means, which includes the function of the simple and advanced video editing, innovative video file conversion technology for viewing movies on any device, as well as the possibility of burning and backup for all your needs for working with digital content.

Burning software ඉතීහාසයෙ අනර්ගම Burning software ක් වන Nero burning software වල නවතම සන්ස්කරනය Nero 2014 Platinum 15.0.02500 යයි.අනෙකුත් Burning software වලට වඩාමෙහි වෙනස්ම මුහුනුවරකි ගන්නා අතර CD/DCD Burning,video editing වගෙ දෙවල් වඩා පහසුවෙන් වගෙම ඉතාමත් හරී ආකාරව ඔබ වෙත ගෙන දෙයි.

New for 2014 Nero Platinum:

• New! Streaming Nero Play to TV.
• Discs Blu-rayTM, Blu-ray 3DTM and Ultra HD for viewing in the highest quality on your PC    or laptop.
• Streaming playlists and improved slideshow.
• New! Convert Nero disk to the device in one klik1 ).
• Simple transcoding and transfer the contents of audio and video discs to any connected      device or virtual disk
• Conversion of a video and an audio CD to your device in one click ( mobile devices and    cloud)
• Convert the newest high-quality Ultra HD 4K format for playback on any device
• New! Editing Ultra HD- video (4K).
• New editing video Ultra HD (4K) to create cinema-quality movies.
• High-quality video filters , modulation and titles in the new format.
• When editing video in Nero 4K possibly corrected, adjusted , shortened , rotated, edited in  Multitrack; also available multi-stage generator Picture-in-Picture.
• New! Universal support for mobile devices.
• Includes universal support for the latest mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets  latest iOS, Android and Windows 8.
• Pre- configured profiles for the most popular home theater and mobile devices.

If you need to download this software click torrent button.
මෙය ඔබට download කරගන්න උවමනානම් පහත තීබෙන torrent button click කරන්න.

Information about the program:
Releases released : 2013
Platform : Windows ® XP/Vista/7
Language : Multilingual
Medicine : patch-Kindly
File Size : 281.98 MB


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